Thursday, February 16, 2012

It 'twas the night before Christmas...

Now that we are back in Mount Vernon, I finally got to host a holiday!! Everyone came over to our house on Christmas Eve for a turkey and ham dinner, with all the fixings plus, plenty of deserts and candy! We had such a great time as just the 10 of us!

The Carter/Chase/Bobik Family in Pictures...We set the timer and tried to get a family photo...its just not as easy as it sounds! And notice how un-phased/annoyed Jory is at the whole process :-)

Zoe decided to roll all over Caitlin getting white dog hair on her black leggings mid-photo shoot!

I think we got a few good ones in there!Kennedy got a Bumbo from her Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Aaron

Which she loved!

Kennedy met her Uncle Jordan for the first time

And she loved him!

Thought he was hilarious

With Auntie Tessa who was home from Hawaii for only 6 days! That's just not long enough for us!

Maggie, Bailey and Zoe got presents too! Even though they were naughty most of the year!

Mr. & Mrs. Chase

The Parents

Lindsay and Aaron. Aaron is sporting his new bike gloves!

Caitlin, Kennedy and I checking out Kennedy's new book.

We were pooped at the end of the night but had such a great time!! It is such a blessing to be back with the family!

The Eve of Christmas Eve

Every year we go to my Aunt Karen's house for a Christmas party on the Eve of Christmas Eve. There is loads of food, presents and fun and even a $5 gift exchange where you can expect anything from candy, a whoopy cushion, something from the Goodwill, or better yet, something from the prior year. All dressed up and ready to go. Poor little Maggie wants to be in the picture. She's been a little neglected since Kennedy came along :-(
Caitlin, Lindsay, Me and Tessa

With our Brother

The entire Carter Family

(This picture didn't turn out as well as we thought because you can't really see everyone. We'll try again next year)

If you look really close you can see Jory holding Kennedy up high!

The annual cousin picture

Grandma and Grandpa Carter with their Great Granddaughter

8 Week Status Update

I honestly can't believe how fast time flies by! Here is Kennedy at 2 months old!

As of December 16, 2011, Kennedy is 12 pounds 2 ounces and 24 inches long which puts her in the 90th percentile for weight and the 98th percentile for height. She is our little string bean!

She got her 8 week shots on December 16, 2011. Her face was so sad! We both cried!!

She is "talking" more and more.

She loves it when you lay her down on her changing table. She will coo and smile back at you the entire time you are changing her.

Kennedy is always full of smiles in the morning. I will usually sit her up in her boppy and she will smile and coo at me while I pump.

On the night of December 20th she slept from 10pm to 5am and on December 21st she slept from 10pm to 5:45am!!!!!!!!! Mama was very happy and felt so rested on those mornings :-) Its amazing what 7 hours of straight sleep will do for a person!

She is starting to show some interest in her toys.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

2011 Christmas Card Photo

Like I've said before...every year I insist on taking a family photo to send out for our annual Christmas card. And yes, I insist on including all of our dogs! Jory loves it (read the sarcasm in my voice here). This year it was even more tricking because we were of course including our new baby but I also wanted all 3 dogs in the photo as well. I even bought a tri-pod!! So, we set up the tri-pod and set the camera timer and...
Kennedy wasn't loving this poseKennedy is the only one ready for this one!

Without Bailey (I'm trying to grab her with my right hand)

This is the photo that we went with. I know none of the dogs are looking but at least we look good.

After probably about 100 shots, I think everyone was done trying to get the "perfect" photo.
I could have made it easy and just gone with a photo of just the 3 of us but where is the fun in that???

Santa Claus is Comin' to Town!

Kennedy's first pictures with Santa!!You woke me up for this???
I just don't know if I'm in the mood for pictures!

In her Christmas dress