Friday, September 9, 2011

Deception Pass

We have gotten very lucky with the weather these past few weeks! We decided to take full advantage and headed out to the beach for the day. The day started out a little foggy


She's leaving for college soon! Poor thing is going to BYU Hawaii! We will all be planning a vacation very soon to go over and visit her!! Someone needs to go and check on her to be sure she is ok over there on that little island!!

Jory, Zoe and Me. We felt bad for not bring all 3 dogs but the other 2 are just not as well behaved as Zoe. We told Maggie and Bailey that Zoe was going to the groomer for the day so that they wouldn't feel bad for missing the beach day :-)

Zoe loved the attention

Zoe's second favorite person (next to Jory) is Tessa!


Tessa and Lindsay trying out the teeter-totter

Aaron had to balance out the other side

It was such a beautiful day

Jory and Tessa playing smash ball

Aaron and Lindsay

Playing fetch. Her favorite game.

Me, Kennedy and Jory. I am about 33 weeks here.

And yes our parents were with us but they hate cameras!

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