I'm behind on posting these but...here are the pictures of the beautiful baby shower that my Sisters and Mom threw for me. We were so lucky with perfect weather that day and Kennedy and I were completely spoiled! It has been so nice being back home and close to all of our family and friends. After being gone for 12 years, it was good to see some dear friends that I hadn't seen in ages.

Lindsay made this diaper cake

Tessa painted these letters for Kennedy's nursery. So adorable!

Tessa also made these cupcakes from scratch!

Lindsay putting up the balloons

Lindsay, Tessa and me waiting for the guests to arrive

I got some of the most adorable little outfits

Another diaper cake...which is just what we needed. From what I hear...you go through a lot of diapers!

Grandpa & Grandma Carter with Me & Jory

Mom, Grandma Carter, Caitlin, Me, Tessa, and Lindsay

Me with the Sisters

Mom with her girls
I am about 32 weeks in these photos and have to say that I am still feeling really great. Kennedy is a very active baby and Jory and I enjoy sitting and watching/feeling my belly move around. Its just so entertaining! Kennedy is about 3.75 pounds and approximately 17" long; getting bigger by the day! I really have nothing major to report here! I have been extremely lucky with an extremely easy pregnancy thus far. Jory and I are enjoying our last weeks without a baby but are very much looking forward to Kennedy's arrival.

All vying for the "Best Auntie Award". This is basically what it is like anytime we are all together :-)

Jory stopped by at the end to say hello and load up all of the gifts!
THANK YOU Mom, Caitlin, Lindsay, and Tessa for such a wonderful day!